This is a psalm of David and there is a lot going on here. But in the midst of him crying out, we get this beautiful plea of deliverance rooted in the character of God.
I think about Jonah and his reservations for preaching to the Ninevites. He knew God was merciful, slow to anger, and would forgive them if they cried out in repentance.
I lose sight of this very often. I enjoy my life and the way I’ve set things up, and when things don’t go according to my plan I’m frustrated, upset and disappointed with people. But I serve a God who is steadfast in love and abounding in mercy. He hears my prayers, in spite of my selfishness.
I desperately need God’s grace and His precious gospel to humble me and bring about a spirit of compassion and contentment for all that He has done and has in store for me.
It’s been really refreshing to spend time in the psalms lately. I pray as God is filling me up to be poured out, His word ministers to you as well.