Today, in 2023, the option of living together with a significant other, instead of joining into a formal marriage covenant, has become much more accepted and is a common practice in our culture. Not only are many couples not willing to enter into a marriage, the very concept of what marriage is has been distorted. Society is not even clear about what the definition of a man or a woman is anymore. As Christians, we must be careful not to base our moral decisions on our society’s standards, especially when it comes to our perception of love and the institution of marriage. If we truly are Christians, then our conscience is not to be governed by what is socially acceptable or even by what is legal in man’s eyes, but ultimately by God’s word.
I am sure you have heard people say things like, “We are in love, why complicate it? Why do we have to sign a piece of paper to make it legal?”
The signing of a marriage certificate is an important part of what the Bible calls a covenant. A covenant is made publicly before witnesses and with formal legal commitments that are taken seriously by the community as a whole. Covenants in biblical times were often sealed by severing an animal, with the idea that whoever breaks the covenant would suffer a similar fate. That’s not a “pie crust promise, easily made, easily broken” to quote Mary Poppins. A covenant or a contract is a serious commitment.
God ordained certain rules regulating marriage in order to protect people. His law was given out of His love, concern, and compassion for His fallen creation. The boundaries God imposed on sexual activity outside marriage do not mean that God is a buzzkill or anti-human pleasure. Sex, in its proper context, is an amazing blessing that He Himself created and gave to the human race. So, He protects this special act of intimacy with certain safeguards.
We also see the covenant of marriage under attack when it comes to who marriage is designed for. No longer is it the gender binary of one woman and one man as Scripture clearly defines. Despite the what the culture we find ourselves in would say, God’s Word stands and cannot be changed, least of which by mere men. Far from being an evolving cultural phenomenon, marriage is the means by which the creation mirrors the relationship between Jesus and His church.
The reason why divorce, adultery, spousal abuse, and neglect are so destructive is because of the unique way marriage is meant to reveal this Christ-church relationship. When we think of God as our Father we can tend to project our ideas of our own earthly fathers, and their failings, onto our Heavenly Father. In the same way, when we see failing marriages all around us, we can tend to project those views on the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church. But we know as Christians, this is not the case. Just as our Heavenly Father is eternally good and righteous, the marriage covenant between Jesus and His bride is eternally unbreakable. Even when we are unfaithful, He is faithful.
So, as we celebrate the holiday that’s all about love, remember that, as Christians, we are to love and to keep our covenants of marriage, not just for our own benefit or for our spouse’s benefit, but out of reverence for and obedience to Christ.