I remember my quest to find the purpose for my life. I looked and tried many things to obtain something that gave me the fulfillment and sense of meaning that I felt I needed. Each time I thought I found something worth pursuing I came away disappointed and eventually looking to replace it with something better. I caught myself often looking at the other side of the fence because that grass seemed greener over there.
Eventually I found my life’s ultimate purpose in Jesus Christ. When the sweet sound of the gospel reached my ears and He changed my heart, I realized that I was created for Him. After that I still had to fight the temptation of putting other things before Him and to not seek the fulfillment and meaning that I should only receive through Him, from other things.
This continues to be a battle for me today and it will be until I am in glory with the Lord. I know that I am not alone in battling the sin of idol worship. Our heart desires to make idols for ourselves but God desires that we love Him first and foremost because He is our creator, protector and provider. When we are not living to Him, it is because we have forgotten that we were made from Him and through Him. Our whole lives are to be an act of worship towards Him. That’s what He desires and that is what He deserves.